Top 20 December Global Holidays 2022 – Celebrated Worldwide


Approximately 6 billion people worldwide celebrate the December Global Holidays which making it the most popular festive month for holiday fun. December is also known as “World of Holidays“. December is the month of celebration of small and big festivals including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Years, Winter Solstice etc. Winter holidays or December Global Holidays are full of parties and celebrations where some are traditional and some are for fun. All over the world, December is marked for all kinds of important events and functions including religious, cultural and corporate events. We have covered some of the Global Holidays celebrated around the world in the month of December 2022.

All 20 December Global Holidays

A Holiday is a special day or some period of time when people do something different or important than usual for that. This holiday can be a religious holiday, such as Christmas Day, Bodhi Day or Hanukkah, or a cultural holiday, such as Chinese New Year or Carnivals.

These December Global Holidays are often based on the traditions and values ​​of those who celebrate them. In addition, it is also a great way to connect you to your culture or religion, which often includes collective special food, music, and traditions.

If you are looking for a way to connect with your own, society or country’s culture or religion or you are just curious about how people celebrate these holidays around the world then here are the top 20 December Global Holidays events for you to participate in.

You might find it a little interesting that some of our Santa Claus traditions actually come from St. Nicholas Day. Check out the list of top 20 December global holidays below to know about more interesting festive days that fall in December.

  1. World AIDS Day
  2. King Bhumibol’s Birthday
  3. St. Nicholas Day
  4. Bodhi Day
  5. Immaculate Conception
  6. Human Rights Day
  7. Saint Lucia’s Day
  8. Las Posadas
  9. Hanukkah
  10. International Human Solidarity Day
  11. Winter Solstice
  12. Yule
  13. Festivus
  14. Christmas Eve
  15. Christmas
  16. Boxing Day
  17. St. Stephen’s Day
  18. Kwanzaa
  19. New Year’s Eve
  20. Omisoka

December Global Holidays  – Celebrated Around the World

People all over the world are beginning with the year of December Global Holidays 2022 and have also started their serious preparations for the same. The most common winter holidays celebrated around the world are listed below along with their importance and significance.

December Global Holidays 2022

Date Holiday Significance
December 1, 2022 World AIDS Day World AIDS Day is a global holiday that is celebrated on December 1st. It is dedicated to raising awareness about AIDS and the impact it has on people all around the world.
December 5, 2022

  • King Bhumibol’s Birthday

  • Krampusnacht

  • On this day, Thailand celebrates the birthday of its beloved king, Bhumibol Adulyadej. King Bhumibol was born in 1927 and was the king of Thailand between 1950 and 2016.

  • Celebrated on 5th December by the people of Austria

December 6, 2022 St. Nicholas Day December 6 is a holiday that people celebrate as St. Nicholas Day. It celebrates the life of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus), a Christian saint who was known for his generosity and kindness. On St. Nicholas Day, many people exchange gifts and eat special foods in honor of the saint.
December 8, 2022

  • Bodhi Day

  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception

  • Bodhi Day is a holiday that celebrates the moment when the Buddha reached enlightenment. It is observed on December 8th in most countries, but some celebrate it on other dates.

  • The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic feast day that celebrates the conception of Jesus Christ by Mary, the mother of Jesus. Patronal feast day falling on 08th December to celebrate vital mainstay of Catholic education in America, Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Korea, Nicaragua, Paraguay, the Philippines, Spain and Uruguay.

December 10, 2022 Human Rights Day Human Rights Day is a special day that celebrates the fundamental human rights that every person is entitled to. It’s observed every year on December 10th and is a time to reflect on the progress that has been made in protecting human rights around the world. It is also a time to recommit to making sure that all people are treated with dignity and respect.

December 13, 2022 Saint Lucia’s Day Saint Lucia’s Day is not exactly the most famous of the December global holidays. Still, December 13 is a religious holiday in honor of Saint Lucia, the patron saint of light. It is often celebrated with special church services, parades, and cookouts. In some countries, such as Italy and Sweden, it is also a day for celebrating the start of the Christmas season. On this day, Girls in Sweden dress up like “Lucia brides” wearing long white gowns with red sashes, and a wreath of burning candles on their heads to honor a third-century saint. To give tribute to Lucia of Syracuse, the people of Scandinavia and Italy celebrate this religious festival.

December 16-24, 2022 Las Posadas Las Posadas is a December holiday celebrated in Mexico, Guatemala and many other Latin American countries. It commemorates the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. People celebrate this festival from 16th to 24th December to give tribute to the Norse God Odin.

December 18-26, 2022 Hanukkah Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is celebrated for eight days and nights, usually beginning on the 25th of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar. To remember an ancient miracle, people light up a menorah (a special candle holder) for all eight straight days.

December 20, 2022 International Human Solidarity Day International Human Solidarity Day is a global holiday on December 20 that celebrates the idea of human brotherhood and cooperation. It was created by the United Nations in 2007 and is celebrated every year on December 20th. The goal of this holiday is to promote peace, understanding, and cooperation between all people. This day is also used to raise awareness about global issues such as poverty, hunger, and disease.
December 21, 2022

  • Winter Solstice

  • Yule

  • The winter solstice is a holiday that celebrates the shortest day of the year. It is observed on December 21st in most countries, but some celebrate it on other dates. The word “solstice” means “sun stands still,” and this name reflects the fact that on the winter solstice, the sun appears to stand still in the sky. After the winter solstice, the days begin to get longer again. People light up bonfires and candles to lure back the sun.

  • Yule is a winter holiday that celebrates the rebirth of the sun. It is celebrated by many different people around the world, including Pagans, Wiccans, and Druids. Yule usually takes place in late December or early January and is often marked by special celebrations, gift-giving, and family gatherings.

December 23, 2022 Festivus This parody holiday is observed in the United States on 23rd December and the significance of this day is to advocate against Christmas industrialism. Parody holiday was created in the 1960s by Seinfeld writer Dan O’Keefe. It celebrates the non-religious aspects of Christmas.

December 24, 2022 Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is another one of the important December global holidays and a special day for Christians all around the world. It is the day before Christmas and is often celebrated with family gatherings and special church services. Many people exchange gifts on this day, and some families even eat their Christmas dinner on this day.

December 25, 2022 Christmas Christmas is a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated by Christians all around the world and is considered one of the most important holidays of the year. Christmas celebrations last from Christmas Eve to 6th January and people celebrate it differently in every country.
December 26, 2022

  • St. Stephen’s Day

  • Boxing Day

  • St. Stephen’s Day is a holiday celebrated on December 26th in honor of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr.It is often celebrated with special church services, parades, and cookouts.

  • Boxing Day is a public holiday originally celebrated in the middle-ages in the United Kingdom, today it’s celebrated in many countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023 Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is a holiday that celebrates African-American culture and heritage. It was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga and is celebrated every year from December 26th to January 1st. During these holidays, African Americans dress up in special clothes, decorate their houses with fruits and vegetables, and light a kinara (candle holder).

December 31, 2022

  • New Year’s Eve

  • Omisoka

  • On New Year’s Eve, people around the globe celebrate the coming of the New Year on this last day in the Gregorian calendar. New Year’s Eve is celebrated filled with fun and excitement throughout the world to mark the end of the year and welcome the upcoming year with Chamness & happiness.

  • Omisaka is the Japanese tradition of welcoming the New Year. It is a day to celebrate the coming of the New Year, and people typically exchange gifts, eat special foods, and participate in traditional ceremonies.

December Global Holidays 2022

Read the section below to know about each celebration in detail and know the significance, date, where and how the December global holidays is celebrated all round the world.

1. World AIDS Day – December 1st


World AIDS Day is a global holiday that people celebrate on 1 December. This holiday is one of the December global holidays. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about its impact on people around the world.

The first World AIDS Day was observed on 1 December 1988. It is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and to mourn those who have died from the disease. Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an incurable disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The HIV virus attacks the patient’s immune system and reduces resistance to other ‘diseases’. Government and health officials, non-governmental organizations and individuals around the world often work to spread awareness to AIDS prevention and control.

Many different events and activities take place on World AIDS Day to educate people about the disease. These events may include talks, art exhibits, and memorial services. Additionally, World AIDS Day is also a time to remember those who have lost their lives to AIDS, and to support those who are living with the disease.
By coming together on this day, we can help to make a difference in the fight against AIDS. Recent improved access to antiretroviral treatment in many regions of the world has resulted in a 64% reduction in the death rate from the AIDS epidemic since 2004.

2. King Bhumibol’s Birthday – December 5th


Every year on December 5, Thailand celebrates the birthday of its beloved late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. This holiday is one of the December global holidays. It is also the national day of Thailand and this is the day when Father’s Day is celebrated in Thailand. If December 5th falls on a weekend, the holiday will be celebrated on the following Monday.

Even though King Bhumibol Adulyadej has passed away, King Bhumibol is still very popular and loved by the Thai people. On his birthday, many Thais wear yellow shirts or dresses as a sign of respect. There are also frequent parades and other celebrations in honor of the king.

If you are in Thailand on the 5th of December then you are lucky enough and should make sure to join in the festivities ! In fact, it’s a great way to learn more about Thai culture and celebrate the life of a truly amazing person.

History of King Bhumibol’s birthday
Known as Rama IX, he ruled Thailand from 9 June 1946 until his death on 13 October 2016, making him the longest-reigning monarch in Thailand’s history.

Despite being a constitutional monarch and not legally permitted a role in politics, Bhumibol made a number of decisive interventions in the Thai political arena and has been credited with unimaginably helping to facilitate Thailand’s transition to democracy in the 1990s.

The holiday itself is a colorful affair. Buildings across Thailand display flags, banners and portraits in honor of the late king on this day, while the streets around Bangkok’s Grand Palace area are decorated with thousands of marigolds.

Marigolds are chosen for their yellow color, as yellow is the dominant color of the festival. As you know the king was born on a Monday and yellow is the color for Monday in Thailand.

3. St. Nicholas Day – December 6


Saint Nicholas Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Nicholas, is a holiday celebrated on 5 or 6 December in Western Christian countries. Renowned for his generosity and kindness, the day celebrates the life of the Christian saint Saint Nicholas. Also on St. Nicholas Day, many people exchange gifts and eat special meals in honor of the saint. This holiday is one of the December global holidays. For example, some people celebrate by hanging stockings or leaving shoes outside, or even through attendance of church services, to honor Saint Nicholas. No matter how you choose to celebrate, St. Nicholas Day is a day to remember the life of a kind and generous man who continues to inspire us today. The American Santa Claus, as well as the British Father Christmas, are variations of Saint Nicholas.

In European countries such as Germany and Poland, boys traditionally dress as bishops and beg for the poor. Children in Poland and Ukraine wait for Saint Nicholas to come and put presents under their pillow. Children who misbehaved can expect to find a twig or piece of coal under their pillow. In the Netherlands, Dutch children place a shoe full of hay for St. Nicholas’ horse. Gifts on Saint Nicholas Day are also tagged with personal humorous poems written by the sender. In the United States, a custom associated with Saint Nicholas Day is for children to leave their shoes in the foyer on Saint Nicholas Eve in the hope that Saint Nicholas will place some coins on the soles.

4. Bodhi Day – December 8th


Buddhists celebrate December 8 every year as Bodhi Day because it was on this day that Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment through meditation. Bodhi is a Pali word meaning “awakening” or “enlightenment”. It is usually celebrated on 8 December in East Asian countries and on the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Theravada calendar. Bodhi Day is also known as Rohatsu in Mahayana Buddhism.

Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, is known as Buddha. Siddhartha was an Indian prince who eventually gave up his life of luxury for a simple life. Many believe that Siddhartha resolved to sit under a Bodhi tree and meditate until he found the root of suffering and how to free himself from it.

It took 49 days of unbroken meditation. After becoming enlightened and experiencing nirvana, Siddhartha became the Buddha or “Awakened One”. For 2,500 years, the Buddha’s wisdom has served as a central tenant of Buddhism.

The Bodhi tree is located on the banks of the Phalgu River in Gaya, India. Apart from this, a Buddhist temple is also located. Buddhists consider it their most sacred pilgrimage site.

Some Buddhists celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha on the same day. They call this festival Vesak and follow the lunar calendar to celebrate it. Mahayana Buddhists in China, Korea and Vietnam divide Vesak into three separate holy days. One of the three days comprises the Enlightenment of the Buddha or Bodhi Day. Mahayana Buddhists celebrate Bodhi Day on the 8th day of the 12th month of the lunar calendar, due to which the dates of Bodhi Day vary from year to year.

However, in Japan, Bodhi Day follows the Gregorian calendar. It was initiated by Emperor Meiji who initiated the Westernization of Japan during his reign from 1867 to 1912. Bodhi Day is celebrated every year on 8 December in Japan. It is not known in which year it became a day of celebration.

Bodhi Day is usually celebrated with special religious ceremonies and activities. Many Buddhists go on pilgrimage to Bodhi trees or other holy places, some make donations on this day and some participate in special meditation. In some cases, Bodhi Day is also a time to reflect on one’s own spiritual journey and to make a vow to follow the Buddhist path.

If you want to celebrate this holiday, there are many ways to do so. For example, you could visit a Buddhist temple, read the life story of the Buddha, or even try meditating on your own! No matter how you choose to celebrate, Bodhi Day is a day to remember the power of enlightenment.

5. Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8th


The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic religious holiday commemorating the conception of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, by her mother Saint Anne. It occurs on December 8 which is one of the most important Catholic holidays. This holiday is one of the December global holidays. The day is also known as the ‘Holy Day of Obligation’ and is celebrated with a holy mass.

The Immaculate Conception is based on the belief that Mary was conceived without sin which means she was born without the taint of sin and was therefore able to remain pure throughout her life.
In addition the day is celebrated with family meals, processions and parades in honor of the Virgin Mary. On this day, Catholics participate in mass, pray and give thanks for Mary’s intercession. Also, they often exchange gifts and spend time with their families.

6. Human Rights Day – December 10th


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights or Human Rights Day is one of the December global holidays. In fact, it is celebrated every year on 10 December because on this day the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 1948. It is a day to reflect on the progress made in protecting human rights around the world. It is also a time to make sure we treat all people with dignity and respect. We need to stand up for our rights and the rights of others.

We can uphold the rights of others by improving our daily lives that protects all and thus fosters a closer relationship among all human beings. Human Rights Day is a day for everyone to celebrate the inherent worth of all human beings, regardless of which local organization you are affiliated with.

7. Saint Lucia’s Day – December 13


One of the biggest celebrations of December global holidays (aside from Christmas) is St. Lucia’s Day, celebrated on December 13 in honor of St. Lucia, the patron saint of light. In fact, St. Lucia’s Day is an annual celebration born out of the stories that told how Christianity came to Sweden. Today in some parts of Scandinavia, Saint Lucia’s Day is widely celebrated in the form of midsummer and crayfish parties. Also, this annual festival is celebrated with an atmosphere of joy in the wider cities. If you are in parts of Sweden, Denmark or Finland in December then you are lucky to be a part of the celebration.

There are often special church services, parades and cookouts on this day. In some countries, such as Italy and Sweden, it is also a day to celebrate the start of the Christmas season. On St. Lucia Day, people exchange gifts, eat special meals, and spend time with their families. It is a day to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Whether you celebrate St. Lucia Day or not, we hope you have a happy and healthy December global holidays season !

8. Las Posadas – December 16-24


Las Posadas is a religious festival (extended devotional prayer) celebrated primarily by Hispanics in Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, and the United States in the middle of the global December holidays. It commemorates the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. It usually runs between December 16 and December 24 each year. The name “Las Posadas” meaning “the inns” refers to the places where Mary and Joseph stayed during their travels.

During the total nine nights of the festival, parties are organized in different people’s homes. Before each party or gathering, all the guests form a procession to mark Mary and Joseph’s discovery of an inn on the night of Jesus’ birth. The march is usually led by an angel as a symbolic act to Mary and Joseph when they were unable to find lodging in Bethlehem. The parties at Las Posadas are joyous occasions, featuring prayers, food, music, fireworks, and piñatas ! On the last night of Las Posadas a piñata is often broken and candy is distributed to the children. In fact, this holiday is a great way to celebrate the Christmas season with family and friends !

9. Hanukkah – December 18-26


Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday of December global holidays that usually begins on the 25th of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar. This festival is celebrated by the Jews to mark the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. The feast commemorates the story of the Maccabees, a group of Jewish warriors who defeated the Syrian-Greeks in a battle to gain control of the Temple. Hanukkah is also known by different names such as Chanukah, Chanukah, the feast of dedication, the festival of lights or the feast of the Maccabees or the Jewish festival.

The lighting of the menorah is the centerpiece of the Hanukkah celebration, usually found in the homes of Jewish families. The menorah is first lit with a primary candle and that candle is used to light an additional candle for each night in which prayers or blessings are chanted by Jews before and during the process of lighting the candles. During Hanukkah, Jews light candles each night to remember the miracle of the oil that lasted eight nights instead of one. In addition, they eat special foods, such as latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (jam-filled doughnuts).

10. International Human Solidarity Day – December 20th


International Human Solidarity Day is one of the December global holidays that celebrates the idea of ​​humanity, brotherhood and cooperation. It was started by the United Nations in the year 2005, after which it is recognized every year on 20 December. Actually, the goal of this Human Unity Day is to promote peace, understanding and cooperation among all people. In addition, the day raises awareness of global issues such as poverty, hunger and disease.

There are many ways to celebrate this Human Solidarity Day, one of which is by volunteering for a cause you care about. Whatever you do on this day, remember that we are all in this together !

11. Winter Solstice – December 21


The winter solstice is one of the December global holidays that celebrates the shortest day of the year. It is celebrated on 21 December in most of the countries, but in some countries it is celebrated on other dates as well. In fact, the word “solstice” means “the Sun stands still,” signifying that the December solstice has the shortest day north of the equator and the longest day south. At the winter solstice the Sun appears stationary in the sky and after that the days start getting longer again.

There are many different ways to celebrate the winter solstice holiday. For example, in some cultures it is a time to honor the sun, god or goddess, while in others it is a time of feasting and celebration. On this day people light bonfires and candles to attract the Sun back. Also, some people go on special trips to see the winter solstice sunrise.

12. Yule – December 21st


Yule is a winter holiday celebrating the rebirth of the Sun. Many different peoples around the world celebrate Yule, including Germans, Pagans, Wiccans, and Druids. Yule usually starts on December 21 and lasts until the first day of the new year. Its roots are pagan, with influences from the Anglo-Saxon feast of Modraniht and the Norse God Odin.

The festival is often marked by special ceremonies, gift-giving and family gatherings. A large log is burned in a bonfire at the Yule festival because our forefathers spent the night outside partying with bonfires. Traditionally, many people make evergreen Yule wreaths, while others make a Yule altar. Many people celebrate Yule by decorating their homes with evergreen trees and holly, cooking special meals, and lighting candles to symbolize the return of the sun. Christmas dinners are often accompanied by candlelight, as are the decorations of Yule trees as well as the exchange of nature-themed gifts. In fact, Yule is a time to enjoy the company of those you love.

13. Festivus – December 23rd


Festivus is a parody holiday that was created in 1966 by Seinfeld writer Dan O’Keefe. It celebrates the non-religious aspects of Christmas and typically takes place on December 23rd.

Festivus typically takes place with a “Festivus dinner,” during which participants tell stories about their lives, air their grievances with each other, and compete in “feats of strength.”

The goal of Festivus is to speak out against Christmas consumerism. The holiday was popularized in 1997 by an episode of the Seinfeld show titled “The Strike.”

Instead of purchasing a traditional Christmas tree, Festivus participants stand around a simple aluminum pole.

Festivus customs can encompass many other things, such as “Feats of Strength” and “airing of grievances.”

Pundits have criticized Festivus supporters for their anti-conventional views about the true meaning of Christmas. Despite these things, the holiday is getting increasingly popular, especially among frugal spenders.

14. Christmas Eve – December 24th


Christmas Eve is another one of the important December global holidays and a special day for Christians all around the world. It is the day before Christmas and often takes place with family gatherings and special church services. Many people exchange gifts on this day, and some families even eat their Christmas dinner on this day.

In some countries, such as Germany, Austria, and Poland, Christmas Eve is the main day of celebration. On this day, people attend church, sing Christmas carols, and exchange gifts. In the evening, they may enjoy a special meal and spend time with their families.

15. Christmas – December 25th


In the Christian faith, Christmas is the historical celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Whether celebrated for this religious reason or solely as a cultural celebration, Christmas traditions vary around the world. Santa Claus, or father Christmas, is a popular figure that is often the figurehead of Christmas. Many people believe that Santa Claus brings gifts to children on Christmas Day, or just before. While there is no single definitive answer to this question, there are several popular theories about what Santa does on Christmas.

While Americans celebrate with Christmas trees, visits from Santa Claus, and dreams of snowy landscapes, Christmas falls during Australia’s summer, where it is popular to go camping or to the beach over the holiday. Some Australians decorate a “Christmas Bush,” a native Australian tree with small green leaves and flowers that turn red during the summer.

In England, Christmas traditions are similar to those in the United States, but instead of leaving milk and cookies for Santa Claus, children leave mince pies and brandy for Father Christmas. In Iceland, capital city Reykjavik turns into a winter wonderland with its Christmas market and for the children, there is not one but thirteen Santas, known as Yule Lads. One arrives each night in the thirteen days before Christmas, leaving small gifts in shoes left in window sills.

16. Boxing Day – December 26th


It falls on the second day of the Christmas season, 26 December, after Christmas Day, and is one of the most important holidays celebrated worldwide. This holiday originated in the United Kingdom during the Middle Ages. It was the day when the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in churches, were opened and their contents distributed, a tradition that still happens in some areas. It was also the day servants were traditionally given the day off to celebrate Christmas with their families.

Boxing Day has now become a public holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, among other countries. In England, football matches and horse races often take place on Boxing Day. The Irish refer to the holiday as St. Stephen’s Day, and they have their own tradition called hunting the wren, in which boys fasten a fake wren to a pole and parade it through town. The Bahamas celebrate Boxing Day with a street parade and festival called Junkanoo.

17. St. Stephen’s Day – December 26th


St. Stephen’s Day is a holiday that takes place on December 26th in honor of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr. We often celebrate it with special church services, parades, and cookouts. In some countries, such as Ireland, it is also a day for celebrating the start of the Christmas season.

On this day, people exchange gifts, eat special foods, and spend time with their families. It is a day to remember the true meaning of Christmas and to celebrate the joy of giving.

18. Kwanzaa – December 26 – January 1


Kwanzaa is one of the December holidays in which African-Americans celebrate their culture and heritage. The holiday was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga after the 1966 Watts riots in Los Angeles. He established a cultural organization that combined aspects of various harvest festivals to introduce a new “first fruits” (harvest) festival. Currently, it is celebrated every year from 26 December to 1 January. During this time, people celebrate African traditions and culture by exchanging gifts, eating special food, and participating in traditional ceremonies. Kwanzaa is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the unique history and culture of African-Americans.

Each of the seven nights of Kwanzaa, families gather and a child lights one of the candles on the kinara, then one of the Seven Principles, the values ​​of African culture, is discussed. Kwanzaa ends with an African feast called Karamu, which is held on December 31.

19. New Year’s Eve –  December 31st


The last day of the year, 31 December, is known as New Year’s Eve by the Gregorian calendar and Old Year’s Day or Saint Sylvester’s Day in other countries. People all over the world celebrate New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to the year ending and welcome the next year. Dancing, eating, drinking, and watching fireworks are common during New Year’s Eve celebrations in the West. Many countries have their own unique traditions, but most celebrations include fireworks, parties, and countdown clocks. In New York City’s Times Square, thousands of people come to watch the ball drop at midnight and celebrate the New Year Eve. In Paris, people go to watch fireworks at the Eiffel Tower. In London, people celebrate the last day of the year with dinner and music at restaurants with amazing views of the fireworks on London New Year’s Eve.

20. Omisoka – December 31st


The Omisoka Festival is technically the last of December’s global holidays because the Japanese celebrate it on December 31, also known as the Japanese New Year. It is celebrated by people purifying their homes and cleaning the clutter from the previous year from top to bottom. People plan a huge feast with their friends and family with some traditional Japanese food items.

Omisoka, New Year’s Eve, is considered the second most important day in Japanese tradition because it is the last day of the old year and New Year’s Eve. Families gather at Omisoka to have a bowl of toshikoshi-soba or toshikoshi-udon for the last time in the old year, a tradition based on eating long noodles to pass from one year to the next.

At midnight, many visit shrines or temples for Hatsumōde. Shinto shrines prepare amazake to pass out to crowds and most Buddhist temples have large cast bells that are struck once for each of the 108 earthly desires believed to cause human suffering.

Other Popular December Global Holidays

In December, people around the world also celebrate many other holidays.

  • December 1 – Commemoration Day of U.A.E, Democracy day of Chad, National Day of Romania,
  • December 2– National Day of U.A.E
  • December 4 – Farmer’s Day
  • December 6 – Independence Day of Finland, Constitution Day of Spain
  • December 7 – Unduvap Full Moon Poya in Srilanka
  • December 8– Constitution of Uzbekistan, Panama’s Mother’s Day, National Youth Day in Albania, Santa Marian Kamalen Day
  • December 10 – Constitution Day of Thailand
  • December 12 – Virgin of Guadalupe Day in Mexico
  • December 13 – Republic day of Malta
  • December 16 – Victory Day of Bangladesh, South African Reconciliation Day
  • December 18 – National Day of Qatar
  • December 26 – Independence and Unity Day of Slovenia
  • December 29 – Unduvap Full Moon Poya of Sri Lanka
  • December 30 – Rizal Day of the Philippines

December Global Holidays Doctor Fantasy

December is called “the month of festivities”. This month is known for the enchanting lights, special food and family gatherings. It is considered to be the happiest month of the year as it is full of festivities and holidays which add color to make this month the happiest for all. This month is called the most festive month of the year because of the multicultural events that take place every day. In this article we have already discussed some of the December global holidays which are celebrated all over the world well in line with the imaginations of doctorsDecember Global Holidays Doctor Fantasy.

The month of December is filled with International holidays, starting with World AIDS Day and ending with Ominsoka. The winter holidays are mainly a part of the December global holidays, which include many winter festivals. Many religious, national. international and cultural events take place during the December holidays around the world.

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Conclusion on the December Global Holiday

Celebrated in the last month of the year, these December holidays are a special time for family and friends to get together, as well as celebrate and maintain traditions. Holidays such as Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa or New Year’s Eve provide opportunity to put differences aside and celebrate with our friend, family and community.
In fact, the month of December is full of different types of holidays available all over the world, which you can take advantage of to end the year with a positive note.
It’s important to remember that December isn’t just a time to indulge yourself in a festival you want. This is a good time to take stock of yourself, evaluate your progress and prepare yourself for a new start-up with new goals and fresh resolutions.

This article is an effort to provide accessible, accurate, and complete information about December global holidays. This article systematically discusses all aspects of the December Global Holidays and provides essential information. This article is general in nature, informational and for educational purposes only. Also, the reader should take all necessary steps to ensure that any information and material provided is accurate, updated and verified. The information displayed here should be considered only indicative which has been collected from public sources.

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To wish someone a happy new year in Hebrew, you can say "Shana Tova" (שנה טובה). If you want to be more formal, you can also say "L'shanah Tovah" (לשנה טובה).

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